Tour Details






11:30 富士山富士宮五合目(標高2,400m)集合

12:00 出発

17:00 御殿場口7.5合目砂走館(標高3,090m) 到着

17:00 夕食~就寝

20:00 消灯/就寝 (山小屋により消灯時間の変更あり)


04:00 起床

04:30 山小屋にてご来光

06:00 山頂に向け出発

8:30 御殿場口(3,740m)到着

9:00 剣ヶ峰(3,776m)

10:00 お鉢巡り完了→プリンスルート下山

14:00 富士山富士宮五合目到着~解散※体調、天候、混雑状況などによりスケジュールを変更する場合があります。




Private Tour Guide Fees (Tax Included)

1 person: ¥150,000
2 persons: ¥75,000
3 persons: ¥60,000
4 persons: ¥55,000
5 persons: ¥50,000

※The above fees are per person.

For the entire tour, additional expenses such as mountain hut accommodation fees (approximately ¥10,000), meals, transportation to the meeting point, etc., will be charged separately.

The choice of accommodation hut for overnight stays will be determined based on the route chosen by the customer’s preference.




基本料金:参加人数1名 150,000円
2名  75,000円
3名  60,000円
4名  55,000円
5名  50,000円







Tour Examples

1 Night 2 Days - Fully Enjoyable Mt. Fuji Tour Course Perfect for Beginners

1st Day

6:30Gathering at the 5th station of Fujinomiya
12:00Lunch at the 9th station
13:00To the summit
14:00Circling around the crater
18:00Accommodation at the 7th station

2nd Day

5:00Sunrise at the 9th station

Additional Expenses: Mountain Hut Accommodation Fee, Lunch, Breakfast


Day Trip Course for Parents and Children

5:00Gathering at the 5th station of Fujinomiya
12:00Lunch at the 9th station
13:00To the summit
14:00Circling around the crater

Additional Expenses: Lunch, Porterage Fee (Approximately 30,000 yen)

Most Popular! Summit Sunrise Course

12:00Gathering at the 5th station of Fujinomiya
17:00Arrival at the 9th station, rest
2:00Departure from the 9th station
5:00Arrival at the summit, viewing the sunrise, descent

Additional Expenses: Mountain Hut Accommodation Fee, Lunch, Breakfast

We will propose the most suitable plan based on the number of participants and your preferences.
Let’s make your memorable Mount Fuji climbing experience together!
We also arrange for television coverage, YouTube filming, filming guides, and transportation of filming equipment.


  • For TV filming climbs, YouTube filming climbs, etc., please inquire separately.
  • Please note that the mountain hut does not offer private room accommodations. Kindly understand this in advance.
  • Fees will be determined based on the number of participants.
  • For private plans, accommodation fees must be paid separately at the mountain hut.
  • The accommodation expenses for the assigned guide will also be the responsibility of the customer (approximately ¥10,000 per night).


Before participating, please read carefully.

Criteria for Participation in Climbing Tours

To prevent emergencies due to illness or physical discomfort, we have established participation criteria. Individuals meeting any of the following conditions are not eligible to participate:

• Individuals with chronic illnesses that may affect climbing
• Individuals who have experienced angina or myocardial infarction in the past
• Individuals over 55 years old without a regular exercise habit
• Individuals over 60 years old participating for the first time (Mount Fuji climb)
• Individuals whose recent health checkup results show blood pressure, blood sugar, or cholesterol levels above normal
• Individuals taking medication for conditions such as hypertension

Tour Cancellation Due to Inclement Weather

In the event of anticipated severe weather conditions or high probability of lightning, the climbing tour will be canceled. We will notify you of the cancellation by the day before.
If you have already paid the guide fee, a full refund will be provided.

Regarding Mountain Insurance (Domestic Travel Insurance)

We highly recommend obtaining insurance coverage in preparation for any accidents that may occur (please arrange individually). If you have any questions, please feel free to consult us.

• Recommended for “Day Trips” Option 1: H.I.S. Domestic Travel Insurance
• Recommended for “Day Trips” Option 2: Yamakifu One Time
• Recommended for “Mount Fuji Climbing”: Fujisan Kyosai
• Recommended for “Annual Contract”: Japan Mountain Insurance Association

Cancellation Fee

Please note that if you cancel after applying, a cancellation fee will be incurred due to your circumstances. Additionally, please be aware that changing the schedule may also incur a cancellation fee.

Cancellation Fees for Climbing Guide Fees

From application to the day before: 50% of the total guide fee for all days
Same-day cancellation: 100% of the total guide fee for all days

Payment Information

Payment can be made via bank transfer or in cash on-site.

Regarding Your Personal Information

Our guide service recognizes the importance of personal information protection, complies with regulations, and handles your personal information with the utmost care. The personal information provided by you will be used only for the following purposes:

(1) To create climbing plans
(2) For prompt emergency contact in case of emergencies
(3) For improving service to our customers. We will use your personal information only within the scope of the above purposes.
